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How To Write SEO Friendly Articles 10 Best Tips

Writing an SEO Friendly article is not that difficult, if you know that How To Write SEO Friendly Articles. for more read this article till the end
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What is SEO Friendly Article

SEO means Search Engine Optimization and SEO Friendly Article is such an article, which has been optimized to rank in a good position in the search engine. The main purpose of writing SEO-friendly articles is to better explain your article to the search engine bots so that the bots can understand your article and rank it on the right keyword. You can increase the traffic of your blog by writing SEO-friendly articles.

How to Write SEO Friendly Articles

Writing an SEO Friendly article is not that difficult, you can write an SEO-friendly article by following some of the steps mentioned below. You just have to follow all these steps while writing the article. If you are a brand new blogger, then you can make a list of all these points and save it in your notepad, and whenever you write an article, you can check this list once.

  • Do Keyword Research

Before writing the article, you should do keyword research thoroughly and find such keywords in which the search volume is also good and the competition is also low. Because you can get such keywords ranked in a very short time. Keyword research is also one of the most important parts of blog writing because any blog ranks only on keywords.

Doing keyword research is not a very difficult task, you can find a good keyword with the help of a free keyword research tool and prepare an article on it. A new blogger should always work on Long Tail Keyword.

  • Use keywords in the title

You should use keywords in the title of the blog post because the blog post titles that use the focus keyword perform well in search engines. The title is visible to the user on the search engine result page, so you also have to clearly state in the title what the user will get to know in your article

  • Use keywords in the description

The description is a summary of the entire article, in which you tell the search engine on which topic your article has been written. You can write a description of up to 150 words. You should also use the focus keyword at the beginning of the description.

  • Use keywords in the first paragraph

You should use keywords in the first paragraph of your article and try to write the keywords within 100 words of the beginning. Also, you should keep one thing in mind do not use the keyword again and again because it is against the guidelines of Google. You should use the focus keyword-only 4 or 5 times in a 1000 word article and the rest of the LSI keywords.

  • Bold the keyword

Every blog post has some important words that are bolded for special emphasis so that it will be easier for the visitor and search engine to find those words. If you also have some important words in your blog post, then definitely make them bold.

  • Use Alt Tags in Images

Search engines do not recognize the crawler image, so to understand an image, the crawler sees the Alt Tag written in the image and indexes the image accordingly. You should always use the relevant Alt Tag of the image. For example, if you are using images related to blogging in your blog post, then you have to write blogging in Alt tag as well. Along with this, for better image SEO, use copyright-free images and compress the size of the image.

  • Internal Link

With Internal Linking, you can keep visitors to your blog for a long time. If you do not know the meaning of Internal Linking, then for your information, let me tell you when another post is linked to one of your posts, then it is called Internal Link.

You can add a link to another post related to your blog post. Like you are writing an article on blogging, then add a link to other blogging-related posts inside that post. Due to this, some visitors will also reach your other posts, due to which your Bounce Rate is maintained as well as Link Juice is also passed from the internal link which increases the authority of the blog.

  • Use keywords in permalinks

Permalink is the URL of the content or blog post. You also have to add your focus keyword to your permalink. And to make SEO friendly URL.

  • Write High-Quality Content

Use SEO or keywords as best you want, but unless your content is good, it will not rank in the search engine. Try to write a detailed article on the topic on which you are writing the article so that the user can get a satisfactory answer to his questions.

When the user is happy with your article, then the value of your article also increases in the eyes of Google. Therefore, focus the most on creating good content.

  • External Link

When you add a link to another website in your blog post, it is called External Link. You should only link externally to the high authority website in your blog post. Along with this, the external links you are using should be correct. Meaning the Word or Topic for which you have put the link should be redirected from the same topic to the relevant page.

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