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Best Headphones Under Rs 2,000 in India

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If you want to buy good headphones under 2000 India, then in this list you are being given information about the best headphones available in India which you can buy at a price of Rs 2000. These headphones offer good audio quality for all types of music. These headphones offer good bass, some provide good audio balance and some provide neutral and loud audio. Rather, some of these come with line control and also provide the facility to talk on the phone. Here through this list, we are giving information about the best headphones for smartphone users which are available for Rs 2000.

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List Of Some Best HeadPhones Under 2000 In India

boAt boAt boAt Immortal IM-200 7.1
  • Price:₹1,599.00
Redgear Redgear Redgear Comet 7.1
  • Price:₹1,699.00
Cosmic Byte Cosmic Byte Cosmic Byte G3300
  • Price: ₹1,727.00
Fire-Boltt Fire-Boltt Fire-Boltt BGH1200
  • Price:₹1,799.00
Redgear Redgear Redgear Cosmo 7.1
  • Price:₹1,899.00
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