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Best Low Investment Business Ideas

Here we have told about some Best Business Ideas in India with Low Investment in 2022
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Are you looking for business ideas in India? But you want to decide whether it is beneficial for you? With so many new business ideas in 2022, it becomes difficult to figure out which one is worth doing.

Jumping into a new trend can sometimes be risky – it can also be extremely beneficial. You can see that a lot of the ideas on this list have been growing in popularity lately.

and have been popular for a long time, making them more competitive but less risky. However, all the business ideas given below will help you make money. So let’s see new business ideas in 2022.

Best Business Ideas in India with Low Investment in 2022

Here we have told about some business ideas, which you can think of doing Business Ideas in India in 2022.


If you are passionate and knowledgeable in this field and you enjoy writing, you can start blogging as a way to bring in a little extra cash. And keep in mind that it won’t happen overnight, and you probably won’t become rich, but working with affiliate programs, selling ad space and publishing ebooks are ways you can earn money through articles. 

Retail Business 

Do you want to sell finished products directly to consumers? Retail business can be the best business idea opportunity for you. You can open anything from a clothing store to a gaming parlor, but before getting started, you need to know what strategy you should adopt and what you have to offer.

Graphic Design

With some skill in graphic design, it will be very easy for you to get started in this field. However, if you don’t know anything about design,

Using modern programs and guides, even a nanny or grandmother can learn the basics of graphic design. Open Adobe Illustrator, Stencil, or Visme, and off you go! 

There is nothing you cannot do with the right amount of imagination and inspiration. In a few months, people will be eager to pay you to create and edit images for their projects

Real Estate

Real estate has always been a thriving sector in India. The real estate sector in India is expected to reach US$ 1.2 Trillion by 2030. 

With the rapid rate of urbanization, as well as the increasing rate of nuclear families, real estate is one of the fastest-growing sectors across India. In 2019, housing sales alone reached 2.61 lakh units in seven major cities of India. 

However, a real estate business is much more expensive. In this, a large amount of finance is required for high returns, and less investment does not give more profit. In fact, it is one of the best businesses in India.

Wedding Planning 

The days of a simple celebration and two-day weddings are gone! Destination weddings and minimalist-themed weddings have been witnessing a huge increase in the last few years in India. 

The marriage industry is developing so fast that it is also inspiring many theaters and TV shows. The ‘Big Fat Indian wedding’ market is around $30-40 million and is growing at the rate of 20-40% every year. 

This is an excellent business idea option for a beginner as it caters to a wide range of income groups and you can choose based on your budget

Digital Marketing

The world of digital trading has now become digital. Today online presence has become necessary for business. Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing is helping companies connect with their target audience across the globe. 

The demand for the services of digital marketing has increased so much that the cheapest business can start here. You must have a team of experts and a place to start the operation of your digital marketing business. 

To get customers for your business, you need to come up with a website with a good presentation and attractive content. Want to design a presentation? 

Interior Designer

This is one of the most creative business ideas to start your entrepreneurship journey. The trend of interior design is increasing very fast. Due to this the industry has become so competitive and developed that individuals have started thinking about new business ventures in this place. 

When it comes to interior designing, there are a lot of areas to specialize in. Some of them are residential projects, workplace projects, commercial projects, etc. 

For the interior designing business, there is a need to meet new clients every day. You need an impressive business card to make your mark and market yourself.

Home Tuition Business

Home Tuition is needed by everyone in today’s time. All the parents who are not able to give time to their children want that there should be an educated boy or girl who can help their children in their studies in a good way.

In such a situation, if you have passed graduation or you have good knowledge of any subject, then you can make home tuition your side business. You can provide home tutoring services both online and offline.

You also get good money for home tuition, you can get Rs 400 – 500 per month from a child. At the same time, you can also teach 10 to 15 children in one place. You can teach children according to your ability.

Tiffin Business

You can definitely start a breakfast shop to earn a good profit in very little money. Because in this business you do not need to invest much capital in the beginning. At the same time, the profit is also very good in it.

As we know that the need for breakfast will always be there and will be there every season, all you have to do is to set up your shop in a crowded place where you will easily find customers. Just like this, you can easily start your own breakfast shop.

Web Design

Web Design Nowadays, smart web designers are essential for any IT company. It should come as no surprise that web design is one of the most popular side job ideas. 

It is all about making the user experience on the Craft website simple and simple. Returning visitors are the best proof that a web designer has done a good job. 

With the launch of new websites every day, you can count on a constant flow of customers.

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