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Very Important tips to get the blog ranked in Google in 2022

today’s post can be useful for you. Today we are going to talk about 15 things that you can use to get your website ranked in Google.
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Are you frustrated with the problem of Google Ranking and Indexing of your Website/Blog Post, then today’s post can be useful for you. Today we are going to talk about 15 things that you can use to get your website ranked in Google. There can be various reasons why a website or blog article may not rank or index in Google Search.

If you have created a new website, then maybe you do not have good knowledge about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or you are not doing it properly on your website? Apart from this, there can be many other reasons which are necessary for a website to be ranked. Many new bloggers are worried about how to rank a new blog in Google, so today in this post we will tell you 15 such tips by which you can easily rank a new website in Google.

How to rank new blog or website in Google

In the present time, blogging has become a business. And, the reason for this interest in blogging is the “opportunity to earn money from the blog”. People are now taking blogging as a procedural business or career. And so, in this case, there is a lot of competition. We all know that to earn money from a blog, “that blog needs thousands of unique visitors every day”. And, in this case, Google Search can deliver a lot of organic traffic to our blog every day.

And so, as a blogger, we always try to bring our blog to the top of the “Google Search Engine”. Below, we are giving some tips to get your blog or website ranked by Google.

Select the Right Domain Name

Before creating a new website, it is very important to choose the right domain name for it. There are many new bloggers who make blogs on the subdomain, and they do not buy Top Level Domain. But today there is so much competition that top-level domain has become necessary to get a website ranked. You can choose any top-level domain name for your website from.Com, .in, .net, etc.

Also, keep in mind that to target a particular niche, it is considered better to choose a domain name based on the niche. This increases the chances of your website coming to Google when that keyword is searched. For example, the Hindi word used in the domain of my website targets the Hindi language.

Build a Mobile Friendly Website

Currently, about 80% of web searches are done through smartphones. And so, Google has started taking it as a ranking factor to improve mobile-friendly search results. This means that making a website mobile-friendly is considered a ranking factor. If your website is not showing well on mobile then it may be that the ranking of your website may be down. So, before selecting a theme or template for any website, check whether it is a mobile-friendly theme or not. You can use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Testing Tool to check if your website is mobile-friendly.

Select Low Competition Keywords

As I said earlier, there is a lot of competition in blogging. Every day thousands of blog posts on the same topic are being published and indexed by Google. Now, if you are creating a blog on a topic or writing a post that is targeting a keyword, about which Google already has thousands of information/information about that website or keywords. Have websites. Then you have to deal with many competitor websites to get ranking on the first page of Google search with that topic or keyword. In this situation, if the content quality, SEO, and domain authority of your competitor’s website are all high quality, then it will be almost impossible for you to rank the website in Google with that keyword or subject.

For this, before you write a post, you have to do “keyword research”. Through Keyword Research, you can collect information about any keyword Google searches for. In Google Search Engine, how many times a keyword is being searched every month, how many articles have been written by Google targeting the keywords, keyword difficulty, you can know through keyword research. You can use the Google Keyword Planner tool for keyword research for free.

Write Quality Content

If you are not writing quality content, then there will be a problem in getting ranking on the first page of Google search. Now the question is what does this “Quality Content” mean? The answer is very simple. Quality article means writing articles in such a way that your visitors can get the right answer or solution to their question from your blog. I have seen a lot of bloggers all over the world who clearly do not write posts. They don’t have any rules and regulations for writing posts. As a result, visitors do not like their posts and Google does not rank those websites. So always try to write a detailed article on any topic. Try to write articles in short paragraphs and try to publish at least one informative article between 1500 and 2000.

Google already has a lot of web pages with any topic or keyword. So, why would Google rank your website for low-quality content when it already has great content. You should think about it.

Submit the Website to Google Search Console

The first thing to do after creating any website is to submit it to Google Search Console. Because traffic will come to a website when its blog posts are indexed. For this, it is necessary to submit the website to Google Search Console.

If your website or blog is new, it will take time for Google Bots to crawl that new website. It may take about 1 month for a new website to be indexed in Google Search. So, if your blog site is newly submitted to Google, then the entire blog will take time to get indexed and ranked in Google. You can search in Google to see all the indexed pages of your blog on Google. Here instead of, place the URL of your website.

After this, all the indexed pages of your website will be visible. However, in the case of a new website, it is not easy to get a ranking on the first page of Google. Because, when your website or blog is new, then the Domain Authority (DA) of that website will be very less. And, Google does not trust websites with a new and low Domain Authority (DA).

When you regularly publish posts on your blog, the DA (Domain Authority) of your blog site will gradually increase. As a result, if you are writing good, high quality, and SEO optimized articles, then nothing can stop them from ranking in the first search engines of Google.

Submit a Sitemap to Google Search Console

A sitemap is a list of all the web pages of the website present in a domain. A sitemap is very important to explain the structure of your website to Google. That’s why you must submit a sitemap to Google Search Console. A sitemap is an index file that contains the URLs that Google has to index.

Apart from Google, it is necessary to submit a sitemap in other webmaster tools such as Bing, Yandex, etc. With this, the web pages of your website will be indexed in other search engines and you will get more traffic. Along with this, the web pages of your website are also easily and quickly indexed.

Share the Article on Social Media

Social media is the best way to get traffic to a new website. Apart from this, if your website is shared more and more, then Google gets to know this response and it indexes your website quickly and also helps you in improving the ranking of your website.

Apart from this, if you share your website on social media, then a referral link of your website is created there and a Dofollow Backlinks is also available for your website, which is very helpful in ranking a website.

While sharing the article, you should keep one thing in mind share it only in such a place where after clicking on the user is reading the content of your website. If someone clicks on the link shared by you and comes back immediately, it can also have a bad effect on your website.

Try to Increase Website Loading Speed

Generally, users do not want to wait too long to open any website. If your website appears in Google search results and if it is taking more time to open then users will not wait long to open your website, and they will click on the link of another website instead of your website. Thus, seeing no response on your website, Google can also down the ranking of your website.

On the other hand, Google also considers website loading speed as a ranking factor. It does not rank websites whose loading time is more than 3 seconds. You can check the loading time of your website using Google’s Page Speed ​​Insights, Pingdom and Gtmetrix tools, etc. To fix the loading speed of your website, use at least Javascript, CSS, and Lightweight Theme. If you are a WordPress user, then at least use the plugin.

Create High Quality Backlink

Whenever Google crawls, indexes, and ranks a page of a website, it also ranks backlinks as a ranking factor for that page. The more external backlinks there are for the page of your website, in the eyes of Google, you will get a green signal for your website. Because backlink is a ranking factor as well as a symbol of trust. A site is giving a Dofollow Backlink to your website, it means that that website supports your website and that is why Google ranks your website on the basis of Backlinks also. But keep in mind that always get backlinks from high-quality items. If you create a Low-Quality Backlink, your website may be ranked down.

Also, as a result of poor and low-quality backlinks, Google can “penalize” your website. And as a result, your website’s Google ranking will be seriously down. Backlinks are very important for beginners’ websites and to increase Domain Authority. Write and publish high-quality content on your blog to generate high-quality backlinks. As a result, people will automatically be forced to give you backlinks. Apart from this, do guest posts on high-authority blogs. Comment on other do-follow blogs related to your blog/website. Add your own blog to Top High-Quality Blog Directories.

Reduce Bounce Rate of Blog

Bounce Rate is a very important factor in the ranking of the blog. You can see the details of Bounce Rate in Google Analytics. If you have not connected your website with Google Analytics yet, then definitely connect it. In Google Analytics you can get the data related to your website.

Bounce Rate means bounce rate, it shows how many users are staying on your website and how many users are leaving your website and going back. Try to keep the bounce rate as low as possible. A bounce rate of less than 30% is considered better for a website. This means that 70% of your website users actually read your website content, and the remaining 30% are users who come to your website but leave without stopping.

To reduce the bounce rate, write high-quality content, add hyperlinks to other posts in the middle of the content, and make the website design attractive. Do something that will attract the users of your website.

Use Some Important SEO Techniques

You must already know what is SEO and why it is important for the website. The full name of SEO is Search Engine Optimization, according to which you optimize your website for the search engine. I have explained in detail in my previous post what is SEO and how to do Search Engine Optimization for a website, here we are telling about some important aspects of SEO. If you are a WordPress user then you can easily implement the following things in your website, too by using only one SEO Plugin

  • Use Focus Keyword in Title, Hyperlink, Description, Heading, and Paragraphs of Content.
  • Bold, Italic, Underline the necessary keywords and words.
  • Add links to other posts in the content and nofollow other unnecessary links.
  • Use Alt Tag in the image used in the post.
  • Remove Broken Link from your website. Or redirect them to the URL of another post.
  • Use txt and sitemap files.
  • Use Meta Tags.
  • Create a 404 error page.
  • Use Table of Contents.

Write Posts Regularly

You must have seen a news website ranking at the top on Google. Have you tried to know the reason behind this? If you look, you will find that the content of the news website is very small, yet it is ranking first. The main reason for this is that about 50 posts are published in a day on the news website. If you also publish posts regularly on your website, then your post will definitely rank. The more posts you write, the more your trust will increase in the eyes of Google, which will help in the higher ranking of your website.

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