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What is SEO and how to do search engine optimization?

In this article, we will learn about what is SEO? and why search engine optimization is very important for a blog to rank on the top.
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In this article, we will learn about what is SEO? and why search engine optimization is very important for a blog to rank on the top. The simple answer is SEO is the soul of blogging. Because if you want to write any best article, if your article is not ranked properly, then the chances of getting traffic in it are negligible. In such a situation, all the hard work of the writers goes into the soil.

In today’s digital world, if you have to come in front of people, then the internet is the only way where you can be present in front of crores of people simultaneously. Here if you want, you can be present through the video itself or you can reach out to the people through your written content. But to do this, you have to come to the first pages of Search Engines because these are the pages that visitors like and trust more.

But reaching here is not that easy task because for this you have to do SEO of your articles properly. Meaning that they have to be optimized properly so that they can rank in the search engine. And its process is called SEO. Whereas in today’s article, we will get information about what is called SEO and how to do it

What is the full form of SEO?

The full form of SEO is ” Search Engine Optimization “. 

What is SEO?

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a technique by which we bring our post or page to the top of any search engine.
For example, if we go to Google and search by typing any keyword, then Google shows you all the contents related to that keyword. All these contents that we see come from different blogs.

The result which we see at the top is on No.1 rank in Google, only then it has maintained its place at the top. On No.1 it means that SEO has been used very well in that blog so that it gets more visitors and that is why that blog has become famous.
SEO helps to bring our blog to the No.1 rank in Google. This is a technique that increases the number of visitors to your website by placing it at the top of the search result of the search engine.
If your website is at the top of the search result, then internet users will first visit your site, which increases the chances of getting more and more traffic on your site and your income also starts getting good. It is very important to use SEO to increase organic traffic on your website.

Why SEO is Important for Blog?

Let us now know why it is important for the blog. We use SEO to make your website accessible to people. Suppose You have created a website and have published good quality content in it, but if you do not use SEO, then your website will not be able to reach people and there will be no use in making your website.
If you do not use SEO, then whenever a user searches for a keyword, then even if there is any content related to that keyword in your website, the user will not be able to access your website.
This is because the search engine will not be able to find your site nor will it be able to store the content of your website on its database. Due to this, it will be very difficult to have traffic on your website. That is why it is very important to do SEO properly on your site. After learning SEO, when you use it for your blog, then you will not see its result immediately, for this you will have to be patient and keep doing your work.

Types of SEO for a website

  1. On-Page SEO
  2. Off-Page SEO
  3. Local SEO

1. What is On-Page SEO

On-page SEO work is done in your blog. This means to design your website properly which is SEO friendly.
Use the template on your website by following the rule of SEO. Writing good content and using good keywords in them which are most searched in search engines.
Using keywords in the right place on the page like title, meta description, using keywords in the content makes it easy for Google to know on whom your content is written and helps to rank your website on Google page quickly. Due to this the traffic of your blog increases.

How to do On-Page SEO

  1. Website Speed: Website speed is a very important link from the point of view of SEO. It has been found from a survey that any visitor stays on a blog or website for at most 5 to 6 seconds.
  2. Navigation of the Website: It should be easy to move around in your blog or website so that no visitor and Google have any problem in going from one page to another. The more smooth the navigation of the website, the more ease any search engine will have to navigate the site.
  3. Title Tag: Make the title tag very good on your website so that if any visitor reads it, then click on your title as soon as possible, this will also increase your CTR.
  4. How to write the URL: of the post Always keep the URL of your post as simple and short as you can.
  5. Internal Link: This is a great way to rank your post. With this, you can be interlinking your related pages with each other. With this, all your interlinked pages can be ranked easily.
  6. Alt Tag: Must use images in the post of your website. Because you can get a lot of traffic from images, while using the image, do not forget to put ALT TAG in it.
  7. About Content, Heading, and Keyword: Content As we all know that this is a very important link. Because Content is also called King and the better your content, the better the site’s valuation will be. Therefore, write the content of more than 800 words at least.

With this, you can also give complete information and it is also good for SEO. Never steal or copy content from anyone else.

Heading: Special care should be taken of the headings of your article as it has a great impact on SEO. The title of the article is H1 and after this, you can nominate the subheadings with H2, H3, etc. With this, you must use the focus keyword.

Keyword: Use LSI Keyword while writing your article. With this, you can easily link people’s searches. With this, BOLD important keywords so that Google and visitors know that these are important keywords and their attention will be attracted towards it.

2. What is Off-Page SEO

All the work of off-page SEO is done outside the blog. In Off-page SEO, we have to promote our blog, like going to many popular blogs, commenting on their article, and submitting the link of our website, we call it backlink. The website benefits a lot from backlinks.

Make an attractive page of your website on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Quora and increase your followers, this has the chances of increasing more visitors to your website.

In big blogs which are very popular, submit a guest post on their blog, so that visitors coming to their blog will start knowing you and traffic will start coming to your website.

How to do Off Page SEO

  • 1.   Search Engine Submission: Your website should be submitted properly in all search engines.
  • 2.   Bookmarking: The page and post of your blog or website should be submitted in the website with Bookmarking.
  • 3. Directory Submission: Your blog or website should be submitted to a directory with a popular high PR.
  • 4. Social Media: Create a profile on your blog or website page and social media and add a link to your website like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
  • 5. Classified Submission: You should advertise your website for free by going to the Free Classified Website.
  • 6.   Q & A site: You can ask any question by going to the question and answer website and you can put a link to your site.
  • 7.   Blog Commenting: By visiting the blog related to your blog, you can comment in their posts and put a link to your website (the link should be placed where the website is written).
  • 8.   Pin: You can post the image of your website on Pinterest, this is a very good way to increase traffic.
  • 9.   Guest Post: You can do Guest Post by visiting the blog related to your website, this is the best from where you can take a do-follow link and that too in the right way.

3. What is Local SEO

Often people ask what is Local SEO? If I believe, then the answer lies in the question itself.

If you do Local SEO, then this is the summation of two words Local + SEO. That is, SEO is done keeping in mind a local audience is called Local SEO.

This is a technique in which your website or blog is specially optimized so that it ranks better on the search engine for a local audience.

By the way, with the help of a website, you can target the entire internet, whereas if you want to target only one particular locality, then for this you have to use Local Seo.

In this, you will have to optimize the name of your city, while its address details will also have to be optimized together. At the same time, to say it briefly, then you have to optimize your site in such a way that people can know you not only online but also offline.

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