What are BackLinks? How important are BackLinks for SEO? How to make backlinks? In today’s post, we will learn about backlinks. What is it, and why is it necessary? SEO means Search Engine Optimization means making Blog Content friendly to Search Engines. Yes, if you want to see Blog Post Link on the first page of SERP (Search Engine Page Result), then the content of the Blog Post has to be made search engine friendly. This does not mean that the content should be search engine friendly and not user-friendly. Always do blog posts keeping the user in mind. Pay attention to User Satisfaction, if the user is satisfied, the Medium will automatically be satisfied.
“Backlinks” are the main part of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Even if you are a newcomer in the Blogging, Domain, Hosting, and Website Designing field, there is no point in taking tension.
What is the backlink?
A backlink name suggests such a link by which the user visits your website from any other website. Suppose the Visitor comes from Website A to Website B. Here the backlink of Website B is on Website A. To improve the SEO score of the website, quality backlinks have to be created.
On doing a keyword search in the search engine, the backlinks of the top 10 post links shown in the SERP are very high. Backlinks used to play a big role in the ranking of webpages till a few months ago, still, backlinks are very important for webpages from an SEO point of view but now quality backlinks are needed.
Why Backlink is Important for Blog / Websites?
Referral Traffic
First of all, we will know what is Referral Traffic, this is a list of visitors who visit Blogs / Websites not from Search Engines but from Direct Link or any other website. You can check in Google Analytics how much Percent Referral Traffic comes to your blog/website.
Referral traffic comes because of these backlinks. If the link of your blog is on this website means the backlink of your blog is on this website. The user goes to your blog by clicking the link of this website, which means it has become Referral Traffic.
If you want Referral Traffic then you need Backlinks. In general Referral Traffic is Target Traffic, it increases the Bounce Rate of the Blog. Therefore, pay attention to relevancy while creating backlinks.
Increase Crawl Rate with backlink
Increasing the crawl rate means that indexing becomes fast. Relevant Backlinks help the search engine bots a lot in discovering the links of the blog and crawling it. If you are thinking of making a new blog, then also prepare a list of relevant blogs and websites. Next, I will tell you how to create Backlinks to these Blogs / Websites?
SERP Improvement Organic Traffic comes with more
The better the backlinks, the better will be the ranking of the blog in the search engine. Good Backlink means Relevant Backlink. The search Engine checks many parameters to show the post on the first page. One of which is also Backlink. How many related blogs and websites recommend your content. The more recommendation you get, the better. Along with the backlink home page, create individual posts as well.
Name to Brand Name
Submitting a Blog Link on a popular website not only helps in SEO, but also when Blog Post starts getting Like, Comment, and Share on good websites, then the name of your blog starts converting into Brand Name. Having a link on a good website increases your credibility among readers. Due to this readers start converting into followers and use Natural Backlinks for branding, otherwise, Google can also penalize.
Build New Relationship
You can also build relationships with Link Building. If someone likes, shares, and retweets your post, then you also like, share, and retweet his post. By doing this, good relations are formed in the virtual world. By building a relationship, future advertisements can also be found.
How to Make Backlinks?
Write Unique and Quality Post
Readers come to read the post on the blog. Unless there is quality in the content, he will not give time. If you want to engage the readers for the long term, then quality content is the only option. Select the post according to Niche. How To, What is, Tutorials, Comparison, Review, Case Study All these are good examples.
Link Submission
Link Submission means submitting the link to Blog Post along with the Home Page of the Blog on the Related Directory. It is very tough because finding a legal and good directory is a difficult task. Always work for Natural Backlink. Link Exchange also comes inside it, even after forgetting it should not work. Avoid using the Automated Direct Submission Trick for Backlink. There is Automatic Submission as a Spam Count. This may cause problems in the future.
Social Media Sharing
Social Media Sharing is the easiest and most genuine way to build a Link. For this, share the link of the Blog Post on all Famous Social Media Platforms. Sharing links on social media leads to backlinks as well as branding and promotion. Due to this the reach of the blog increases.
Contextual Backlink
Backlinks from quality sites mean Backlinks should be contextual., For example, If your website is about Travel then your Backlink should be from a High PR Travel Site.