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How to start a blog, what is a blog and blogging?

Today we will talk about what is a blog. And how to start a blog, and how you can earn lakhs of rupees a month from the blog.
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Hello friends, today we will talk about how to start a blog. We all know that the era we are living in today is the age of technology. With the help of technology, we can earn lakhs of rupees a month by starting our own blog sitting at home.

Today we will talk about what is a blog. And how to start a blog, and how you can earn lakhs of rupees a month from the blog. You will find answers to all these questions in this post of ours today.

Friends, today we will know in this post how to start your own blog step by step and how to earn money from this blog. And what are the ways to earn money from blog. Today we will discuss all these things in this post I will try to understand it in detail, so read this post completely till the end.

How to start a blog, what is a blog and blogging?

What is a Blog How to start a blog?

Friends, before knowing how to start a blog, it is very important for us to know what is this blog after all.

Friends, a blog or website is created to share information to other people through the Internet, where content is written in text format and shared with people. This is called blog. And all this The process is called blogging. And the person who does this whole process is called a blogger.

Blog is called that website. Where articles are published by blogger by writing in their own language. So that people can read this article and that article can help people. People can get good information.

Friends, whenever we need any information or information, we first go to for that. Websites are open. And when you select any one website and you read that article by visiting that website, friends, this website is called blog. And all the work done on this blog is called blogging in one word. And the person who does it is called blogger.

Friends, you can also do blogging by creating your own blog. And you can earn money online from blog sitting at home. Friends blog is the best way to earn money digitally.

How to start a good blog, today we will understand it in complete detail through step by step process.

How to start a blog step by step full guide?

Friends, it is very important to follow some important steps to start a good blog. To make a good blog, we need to keep many things in mind.

Friends, you have 2 ways to start your own blog. One is the way where you can create your own blog for free. And you can start your blogging journey. There are many platforms where you can create your own blog for free. You can create a blog or website, but these free platforms are not as effective as you need.

But if you want to do blogging for free or you want to create your website for free, then you can use google's platform called and create your own free blog. For this you have to invest a penny. There is no need. This platform is totally free. It is Google's own product so it is also very reliable.

Another way is to make a WordPress website by investing a little money. Friends, if you want to invest a little money, then you should create your own WordPress blog or website on Friends, I want to tell you that WordPress is the world's best. Large and popular website management platform, 80 to 90 percent of the world's websites or blogs are built on WordPress.

If you can invest a little money, then instead of going to free, you should create a website by going to WordPress, here you can customize your blog or website well, write SEO friendly articles in a good way.

Step by step process to start a blog

To start a good blog, it is very important to follow the following step by step process.

  • Choosing the right niche and language
  • Choosing the right blog platform
  • Choosing the right domain name
  • Choosing the best hosting
  • install wordpress
  • Customizing Blog
  • Writing SEO friendly blog post
  • increase blog traffic
  • Monetizing Blog

1. Choosing the right niche and language

Friends, before starting a blog, choosing a blog niche is the most important thing, friends blog niche means on which topic or topic your blog will be.

Before starting a blog, the first step will be for you to decide the right niche of the blog. You have to see on which topic or topic you can write best.

Friends, the topic on which you have good knowledge or the topics that you know well, which you can explain to people, by writing in your own language, the same topic or topic will have to be chosen as the niche of your blog.

If you dissect a topic or subject without any interest, which you do not know well or you do not have the next level knowledge in the subject. Dissecting such a niche can be a wrong step for you. Because you will not be able to work on that niche for a long time, so before starting a blog, choosing a right niche is the most important and first step.

2. Choosing the right blog platform

Friends, I have also told you above that there are many platforms available in the market for blogging. Out of all those blog platforms, you need to listen to the best platform. Some platforms are free and some platforms are paid.

Although there are many platforms present in the market, but the most popular are only two platforms, first blogger and wordpress.

Friends blogger is a totally free platform. To create a blog. If you want to create your own blog for free, without any investment, then you can go with blogger. Friends, blogger is a free platform and due to being free, you have many limitations in it. It is seen that a professional blogger never wants. If you want to try blogging then you can go with blogger.

Click here to learn how to create a blog on Blogger

Friends, to do professional blogging or to create a professional blog somewhere, you should choose WordPress as a blog platform.

Because it is a very good platform. Here you can take your blog to a next level. And you can create a blog as you want, you will not have any problem. But it is not free.

By free I mean that this platform is free but to work here you will need domain name and hosting, which you have to buy by paying some money.

If you talk about the best platform to create a blog, then it is WordPress, if you want to set up a good blog and want to take it forward, then you should go with WordPress.

3. Choosing the right domain name

Friends, to make a good blog, you will need a good domain name. Domain name means. The name of your blog is called domain name.

Domain name means the address of your website or blog.

 Like friends, the name of our blog is This is the name of our block. This is the address of our blog. This is called the friends domain name.

It is very important for you to listen to a good domain name according to your niche. A good domain name can get you from $5 to $10. There are many companies in the market that can give you a good domain name.

To make a good blog, it is very important to choose a good domain name. Your blog will be known and recognized by this domain name. So do not make any mistake in choosing the domain name. First decide a good domain name. Then buy it

4.Choosing the best hosting

Friends, in order to create a good blog, buying a good hosting is also very important.

A question must be coming in your mind that what is hosting after all. Hosting is a server. Where all the data of your blog is stored.

With the help of hosting, the data of your blog remains online for 24 hours, which can be seen and read by any person, from any corner of the world.

Hosting is an online server, where all the data of your blog or website is stored in the server of that hosting. Like the images placed on your blog, the video posted on your blog and whatever. The articles you have written on your blog are all stored on that online server, this is called hosting.

A good hosting can buy you from $40 to $1200, you have to decide what kind of plan you want and what type of website you want to build

To start a good blog, it is most important to choose a good hosting.

That's why it is very important to test it thoroughly before buying hosting. There are many companies that provide you hosting server.

According to your budget, and according to the need of your blog, you have to listen to a good hosting plan.

Best Hosting Providers

5. Installing WordPress

Friends, when you buy hosting for your blog, after that you are given a dashboard by the hosting provider, whose link is sent to you on your Gmail ID.

After this, you have to connect your domain name to hosting. After that you have to install WordPress on your hosting. After all this process, your online hosting server is ready. Now you can start your blog or website. I can

How To Start A Free Blog With Wordpress Complete Process

If friends put in clear words, after you buy hosting, after that you have to connect your domain name to that hosting. After that you have to install WordPress. After that you can customize your blog well. You can start your blogging journey.

This is a little technical process, if you are a beginner, then you can take the help of another experienced person to install your WordPress. It is not that you cannot. After understanding a little, you can also do it well. For this you can watch the video or read the article.

6. Customizing Blog

Friends, once a blog is created, it is very important to customize that blog well. Friends, once you install WordPress and connect hosting and domain name, then it is important to customize your blog well. happens

Blog customization means to organize the blog well or say to design the blog well.

Choosing a good theme for the blog. The theme should be such that the readers will like it. There should be a theme that attracts the users. Friends, the theme is the form of your blog. How will your blog look or appear to the user. It's all about the theme.

Selecting a good theme for your blog, which is user friendly, fast responsive, theme load time should be minimum

Friends, you can use both free and paid themes and give a good look to your block, so that the user reading the blog will find it very attractive.

Friends, apart from the theme, there are many other important settings. It is also very important to customize them well so that your blog looks good and performs well.

Friends, if you do not want to use paid themes, then WordPress' own free themes are also very good, with the help of which you can customize a good blog and start your blogging journey.

7. Writing SEO friendly blog posts

Once friends blog is completely customized, from here you can start your blogging journey. After blog is ready, or to start blogging journey somewhere, you should start working on it now l

After the blog is created, now we have to write the post. According to the niche in which you want to blog, you should write seo friendly blog post.

Seo friendly blog post means that you make your blog post in such a way that it will rank in Google search engine. By making your blog post seo friendly, Google search engine has to tell on which topic this post is written. I have gone so that Google can understand it and show it above in the search result.

To write seo friendly post, you need to have some knowledge of seo so that when you are going to write a blog post, you can write a good seo friendly blog post.

To write a good blog post, it is very important to do on page seo of that post. On page seo means that many important steps have to be followed including heading, subheadings, tegs, images in the blog post. Your blog post can be seo friendly and can rank in Google search engine.

Friends, SEO is a very big world in itself. It cannot be told here. But to write a good blog post, you have to do good SEO of that post so that your blog post can rank in the search engine.

8. Increasing Blog Traffic

Friends, once a blog is created, and you started writing articles on it or started writing blog posts, now the most important thing is to bring traffic to your blog. If there will be no traffic on friends blog. Then we cannot earn online from that blog.

That's why increasing blog traffic is an important step. To bring traffic to your blog, you first need to write seo friendly post.

You can share your blog on social media so that traffic can come to your blog.

You have to write a blogpost of good quality. And you have to do good seo of that blog post. Friends seo is mostly of three types 1. On page seo 2. Off page seo 3 technical seo

Friends, whenever you write a blog post, then it is necessary to customize these three types of seo well so that your article can come at the top of the search results.

Friends, you can also advertise your blog. To increase traffic, but friends bring traffic to the blog by doing pad promotion, according to me, it is not the right step for a beginner blogger.

Now try as much as you can to make your blog post seo friendly so that it can rank in the search results and from there organic traffic can come to your blog post.

Also, there are many such social media platforms where you can share your blog post and generate a good amount of traffic from there.

Friends, if you are working on a niche base blog, then the user's trust in your blog increases. And the user keeps coming to your blog to read the article again and again. This is also a good way to increase blog traffic. Try that you do niche base blogging. So that people can build trust in you and your chances of increasing your traffic also increase.

9. Monetizing Blog

Here I told the ways to monetize your blog 

Google Adsense

When the traffic starts coming to your blog, then it is the turn to earn money from here. We told you above that you can earn lakhs of rupees a month by starting a good blog. Now we have reached the same step from where we can earn money online

Friends, when our blog starts running well. Good traffic starts coming to our blog. Then we have time to monetize our blog. From here we can start earning.

There are many ways to earn money from friends blog. This is the best and simplest way to earn money from google adsense.

Google Adsense is the platform of Google itself. Google Adsense is an advertising platform. With the help of this, you can earn a lot by placing ads on your blog.

Friends, to earn money from google adsense, first of all, it is very important to get adsense approval, without approval you cannot run ads. If friends, you do good work on your blog and customize the block well on your blog. Let's add some important pages.

Then you get adsense approval soon, after that you can not do much more from here.


Friends, sponsorship is a very good way to earn money from the blog. When a lot of traffic will start coming to your blog, then you can earn a lot of money by doing sponsorship.

Friends, in today's time, there are many such big companies who resort to popular blocks or websites to sponsor their products. When your blog starts getting a lot of traffic, then you can sponsorship with these big companies. But you can generate a lot of money from here.

Affiliate Marketing

Friends, the most popular way to earn money from blog is affiliate marketing. Many block owners or website owners are earning a lot of money from affiliate marketing in today's time.

Affiliate marketing means that in your blog post, you see a product call link of another company and share it with your users, when someone buys this product from your link, then you are given some percentage as commission. This is what is called Affiliate Marketing.

From here you can earn a lot of money and earn a lot from your blog, friends, there are many ways to earn from the block, but the most popular are these three ways from where you can earn a lot of money.

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