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Important Books For UPSC | UPSC IAS Exam Preparation Books

I will tell you about the important books for UPSC, studying which you can ensure your success in the Civil Services Examination.
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Books For UPSC: The dream of many youths in India is to serve the country by becoming IAS, PCS, and other government officers and many candidates are able to make their dreams come true. Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts Civil Services Examination ( CSE ) every year, after passing which the country gets officers like IAS and PCS.

Civil Services Exam conducted by UPSC is considered to be one of the toughest exams in India and to crack this exam, along with hard work, it is necessary to have the right guidance and knowledge of the right books. To qualify for the Civil Services Examination, a candidate has to clear mainly three stages Prelims (Preliminary Examination), Mains (Main Examination), and Interview.

Only after qualifying for the prelims exam do the candidates get selected for the mains exam and to qualify for the mains (main exam) mainly on GS1, GS2, GS3, GS4 papers, today I will tell you about General Studies (GS) I will tell you about the important books, by studying which you can ensure your success in the Civil Services Examination.

Important Books for Civil Services Exam / Books For UPSC

  1. Society in India, Author: Ram Ahuja
  2. Social Problem in India, Author: Ram Ahuja
  3. Indian Polity, Author: M. Laxmikant
  4. Indian Art and Culture, author: Nitin Singhania
  5. India's Struggle for Independence, Author: Bipin Chandra
  6. History of Modern India, Author (History Books For UPSC): Bipin Chandra
  7. Indian Economy, author (Economics Book For UPSC): Ramesh Singh
  8. Oxford School Atlas, Oxford Publications
  9. A Brief History of Modern India, Author: Rajeev Ahir
  10. Geography of India, author (Geography Book For UPSC): Majeed Hussain
  11. India Sees Independence, Author: Bipin Chandra
  12. India and World Geography, Author: Majeed Hussain
  13. NCint and Middle India, Author: Poonam Dalal Dahiya
  14. Environment Studies, Author: R. Rajagopalan
  15. International Relations for General Studies, Author: Pavneet Singh

NCERT Books / NCERT Books For UPSC

If the candidate is going to prepare for the Civil Services Examination, then the candidate must first read the NCERT books from class 6th to class 12th. Read only a few chapters of Class 12th Chemistry, Physics, and Biology and make notes. Only after reading the NCERT books, candidates should read the books written by us above and divide and study all the chapters on the basis of the UPSC syllabus.

Read books like this for Pre and Mains

During UPSC Civil Services Exam we have to prepare for Prelims (Preliminary Exam) and Mains (Main Exam) side by side and candidates remain unclear about how to read the books. For the Preliminary exam, we should only read the main part of a topic and make notes of it but for the main exam, we should always understand the topic from the inside and its concept.

UPSC usually asks questions related to what, how, and why from any topic in the main exam, so while preparing for the main exam, we should focus more on these three things.

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