Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan is a new initiative of the Government of India, under which it has been ensured to provide comprehensive and quality antenatal care to all pregnant women on the 9th of every month. Under this campaign, pregnant women will be provided a minimum package of antenatal care services at government health centers during the second and third trimesters of their pregnancy (after 4 months of pregnancy). The salient feature of this program is that the antenatal check-up services will be provided by OBGY specialists/medical officers.
Private sector specialists/physicians are being encouraged to provide voluntary services on the 9th of every month with the efforts of government doctors in their districts. Hon’ble Prime Minister, in the recent episode of Mann Ki Baat, threw light on the goal and purpose of launching the Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan and appealed to private sector gynecologists/doctors to give their voluntary services. This program has been started on the premise that if every pregnant woman in India is examined at least once in a proper manner by a medical officer and during PMSMA and this campaign is followed properly, then it will be The campaign can play an important and decisive role in reducing the number of maternal deaths in our country.
Objectives of Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan
The Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan, the Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCH+A) strategy, envisages quality antenatal care coverage (ANC) including diagnostics and counseling services. The following are the objectives of this program:-
- All pregnant women of second or third trimester are to be ensured by doctors/specialists at least one antenatal check-up.
- Improving the quality of care during antenatal check-ups, including services such as:
- All appropriate clinical services.
- Screening for appropriate clinical conditions.
- Appropriate management of any clinical conditions such as anaemia, pregnancy induced hypertension, gestational diabetes etc.
- Proper consultancy services and maintenance of proper documentation of services.
- To provide additional opportunities to those pregnant women who could not get their prenatal check-up done due to any reason.
- Identify and line-list high risk pregnancies based on obstetric/medical history and current clinical status.
- Proper birth planning and complication preparation for every pregnant woman, especially those who have been identified with any risk factor or co-morbid condition.
- Special emphasis on early detection, adequate and proper management of the disease in women suffering from malnutrition. Pay special attention to teenage and early pregnancies, as these pregnancies require extra and special care.
Eligibility for Prime Minister’s Safe Motherhood Campaign
- It is only for pregnant women.
- In this program, only women who are in 2nd and 3rd trimester can take advantage of it.
- Only women residing in semi-urban and rural areas can participate in this scheme.
Key Features of Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan
- Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA) has been launched to ensure quality antenatal care to over three crore pregnant women in the country.
- Under this campaign a minimum package of antenatal care services (including tests and medicines) will be provided to the beneficiaries on the 9th of every month. If the ninth day of a month is a Sunday or a state holiday, it will be held on the next working day.
- These services will be provided in addition to the regular ANC at the health facility/outreach.
- These services will be made available at designated public health centers (PHC/CHC, DH/Urban health centers etc.) in both urban and rural areas.
- While it aims to reach out to all pregnant women, it will be particularly aimed at women who have not registered for ANC, those who have registered but not availed of ANC services, and high risk pregnant women. reach.
- Essentially, these services will be provided by OBGY specialists/physicians.
- Private sector OBGY specialists/physicians will be encouraged to provide voluntary services in public health centers where government sector doctors are not available or sufficient.
- Using the principles of single window system, it has been ensured that all pregnant women visiting PMSMA clinics are provided with a minimum package of tests (including ultrasound during the second trimester of pregnancy) and medicines such as IFA supplements, calcium supplements etc. will be provided.
- Mother and child protection cards and safe motherhood booklets will be given to pregnant women.
- One of the important components of the campaign is the identification and follow-up of high risk pregnant women. A sticker, which will indicate the condition of the pregnant woman and the risk factor, will be added during each test on the MCP card.
- Green sticker – if you are a woman with a normal pregnancy.
- Red sticker – for being a high risk woman.
What benefits will pregnant women get?
Pregnant women should contact the ANM/ASHA/Health worker in their area to know about the PMSMA services available at their nearest government health facility. When a pregnant woman visits a designated government health facility (DH, SDH, CHC-FRU etc.) to provide PMSMA services, she will be provided with the following set of services:
Registration: The ANM/Staff Nurse will register the pregnant woman coming to PMSMA center and give her Mother and Child Protection Card and Safe Motherhood Booklet.
Testing: The Staff Nurse/ANM will take the height and weight of the pregnant woman and check her pulse and BP and record the findings. She will send the mother to the laboratory for diagnosis.
Laboratory Tests: Tests for Hemoglobin, Urine Albumen and Sugar, Malaria, VDRL, HIV, Blood Groups, GDM using OGTT.
Ultrasonography (USG): All PMSMA beneficiaries, who are registered with PMSMA, will undergo examination/examination by an obstetrician/medical officer along with their test report. On the basis of examination, examination and USG report by the doctor, red sticker / step is put on the MCP card of those women who are found to be suffering from ‘high risk’.
Injectable tetanus toxoid, tablet iron, folic acid, tablet calcium and other medicines are prescribed by the medical officer.
Counselling: Group counseling (groups of ten to twelve) will be given to all pregnant women on diet, sleep, regular ANC check-up, institutional delivery, breastfeeding, contraception etc.
Home delivery with 20% of vulnerable communities and pregnant women living in blocks will be provided transport facility in inaccessible/difficult areas, where public transport is either not available, or is very less.
Pregnant women with a red sticker on the MCP card should, on the advice of an obstetrician/medical officer, visit nearby government health facilities and plan to deliver at these facilities, which provide emergency obstetric care services (ie. FRU-SDH, CHC, DH/ Medical College Hospital).
Contact Detail :-
PMSMA Center List 2022 Contact Details