Friends, in today's post I am going to tell you that How To Make All in One Tools Website? And the script that is going to be used in it, I will also provide you the demo version here absolutely free!
With this you will be able to create your website absolutely for free! You can do startup but if you want to earn long time then you have to buy premium version of it. Now where do you get the premium version? How do you want to buy? How do you have to install this script? I am going to tell you its complete details in today's article.
How To Make All in One Tools Website
If you need any of these tools, then you go and search on Google! So you get to see single to there on any website! But we are going to create such a website, in which you can provide all the users in one place! And you can earn a lot of money from this too!
So similar All In One Toll Website if you also want to create your own! So I am going to tell you the same process in today's video! If you go to the left of this on Cod Canyon's website, then its price will be seen here at 38$!
All In One Tool Website Php Script 2022
So like I told you if you want to buy it original! So if you do it from here, then it will work perfectly! Because in the free version that I will provide you, you may see bugs in some tools, some tools work and some tools don't work!
So it depends on you which one do you want to use? If you want, you can buy it from here, you get it for thirty eight dollars! You talk, how do you want to create? So if you want to download it absolutely for free, then I have provided you the link at the bottom of this post!
How To Download Tool Website Php Script 2022
If you download this script from my given link then you will get a zip file, first you have to extract the file! After that you will see a folder in it! You have to open the source file and install it in this script.
So how to install? So first of all you have to come to your hosting, it is very important to have a web hosting. Only then will you be able to install it, after coming to hosting, you have to come to the C panel! After coming to the C panel, first of all you have to add your domain on which you want to install this script.
Install Script In Cpanel
If you have a domain already available, then you have created a website in it! So you can create your own sub domain from here and you can install it from that too! First of all, you have to add your domain to your panel! After that you have to go to the main root of your domain in the file manager, you have to reach directly! You are reading How To Make All in One Tools Website ?
Now after this here you have to upload the script first! So you will get the upload button on the top side, you just have to click upload! After clicking upload, click on select file from here. And the file which I have provided to you has to be uploaded!
Create Database
By the time this script is uploaded, you have to create a database, if you do not know correctly, then at the bottom of this post I have added a video for you, you can watch it!
So let's have our file uploaded successfully here, in the same way you have to upload it! Now you have to right click on this file here! After right clicking you have to click on extract! And you have to extract it in this route directly.
Tool Script Installation
Now all you have to do is to refresh your domain once. If you refresh it, then here you can see that the installation wizard has come in front of us! Below you will find the Let's Go option, click on it! Like now we will click on Let's Go, after going down, you have to click on the Continue button!
After clicking on the Continue button, now you have to enter the purchase first. So I will give you the link of Purchase Court also below, from there you can copy and paste it. Now you have to give the name of a database here, you have to give your username, give its password! And you have to click on the Continue button, now even after this, you have to give an email address through which you will log in here!
Create Login Password
And here you have to create a password, now here you have to create a different password! So that we will log in to our admit and you have to simply click on you continue and again you have to click on continue! So here the processing has been completed! The message has come in front of us, now here you will get the option of viewer web site! So by clicking on it, you can see how our website has been created here!
So friends, this was our today's post How To Make All in One Tools Website? If you liked the information, then share it with your friends too! And if you did not understand everything, then you can learn very easily by watching the video below!
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