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SEO Tips: How To Reach 100 SEO Score in Rank Math

Let's know friends, How To Reach 100 SEO Score in Rank Math. Pay attention to this post, and follow the steps we are going to tell.
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Friends, whenever we write a new post, it is our effort that gets the maximum score, but it is not possible, friends, in this article, we will discuss how you can get a good score for your post. For this, we are using Rank Math SEO Plugin, and with the help of that we will get Rank Math 100 Score, friends, if you want to know about Rank Math SEO Plugin, then definitely read this article.

How To Reach 100 SEO Score in Rank Math

Let's know friends, how we can score Rank Math 100. Pay attention to this, and follow the steps we are going to tell. Your website will rank necessary, now it is obvious that you are going to write a post, you know on which subject it is, and you must have also found your keyword, on which Keyword to write the post. For example, we take a keyword, and that is Rank Math 100 Score, now we have to write a post on it. So how would you write? Let's know.

Insert Your Title With Focus Keyword

Now you have to insert a title of the focus keyword you have chosen, it is important to note that the title of the article should neither be too big nor too small, you have to keep your title to only 60 characters if you keep it big. So after 60 characters, your title will show a dot in the search engine which is not right for SEO. And it should not be so small that it is less than 35 characters, it is also not right.

Rank Math 100 Score This is our keyword. The rest is part of other titles. Our title is 55 characters, which is correct, you also have to keep this in mind, now let's move on to the next step.

Insert Focus Keyword Rank math SEO Box

After inserting the title, you should immediately insert your Focus Keyword in Rank math, so that as you write the article, you will get to know the score of SEO. Keep in mind that you are choosing Focus Keyword. That keyword should neither be too big nor too small, you should make the keyword from 3 to 5 words the focus keyword. Never create a focus keyword of one or two words. It is difficult to do SEO for longer keywords, however, it is better to work on Long Tail Keywords.

Your Title Should be a positive or a negative sentiment word

If you have something that is accompanied by a positive or a negative sentiment word, then it will be more correct. Rank Math advises, that it can help you to score your Rank Math 100, by the way, if we think like a user, then you will feel that if we include positive or negative sentiment words then it will be more correct, and people will search more. does,

Write a post for your Focus Keyword.

Obviously, if you are going to write a post, then you will have a subject, along with you are going to write an article on the topic of Focus Keyword, you have a rough idea while writing an article on Focus Keyword, that this article How many things do we have to cover, also keep in mind that when the user reads your article, he gets something new, good, something different.

Friends, in the article, the user should not only find a solution to his problem but write something in such a way that he can also get information on the internal topics of the content of that subject. This will happen because he will use the internal links of your articles and spend more time on the pages of your website, and then when you give more time, you will find your website in more searches in Google.

The article on Focus Keyword should be something like this, only common things should not be included in it, there must be something unique, so that the interest of people increases on your pages. Not only general information, talk about the cause of the problem along with the solution of the problem. And the topic which is related to it, add it with your internal and external links.

Insert Word Power in Your Article

Word of any content matters a lot, you must include Word Power in your article at the right place at the right time, this will increase the value of your web pages, and you will be able to get good results in search engines.

Insert Videos and Images in Your Article

Friends, images, and videos are a big part of today's web pages, you should include them, but it is not necessary that you have videos, you should use images. Friends' image is an important part of your SEO, make the image from original and scratch, and avoid using free images online, the image can bring good traffic to your website, then definitely focus on the image.

Always keep the image in jpg, or webp format, at least in memory, and upload the image to the web page only after optimizing the size, so that the load speed of your website is correct, and the user's experience is good.

Insert Feature Image as well as SEO it, include Focus keyword in the alt text, and then write a description of the image with Focus Keyword, by doing this, you can get good traffic to the web page through image search.

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