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What is Moonlighting? is it legal or illegal? Wipro moonlighting.

Recently Wipro has sacked around 300 employees for 'moonlighting'. Lets Know about What is Moonlighting? is it legal or illegal?
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What is Moonlighting: Sometimes the workload is so much that even a job sometimes becomes difficult for people to do. But there are some people in India who do two or more full-time jobs at the same time. Not only this, the most interesting and surprising thing is that there are some people who do five-six jobs at a time. Come, let us understand how they manage to do so many jobs after all and whether is it acceptable to do so in India.

What Is Moonlighting?

Moonlighting concept. In this, a person works more to earn more money with a regular job. Meaning he keeps on doing more jobs simultaneously. This is a very popular practice in western countries, while after Corona, it also turned to India from the world. In the work-from-home mode, Indians increasingly started doing many jobs (especially in the tech sector) at once due to a lack of money and other reasons. As a result, many start-ups were born, flourished, and emerged out of this concept.

Recently, 300 employees were fired 

It is worth mentioning that Wipro Chairman Rishad Premji had first raised the issue of moonlighting and termed it as a clear hoax in his tweet. Since then the debate on it intensified and after this one of the IT sector giants came in opposition to it. The Wipro Chairman may have opposed this policy of doing two jobs simultaneously, but not one or two, but 300 employees were found moonlighting in his company.

After this matter, taking immediate steps of the company, all the employees found moonlighting were immediately fired. Now this decree of back-to-office policy i.e. coming to the office for three days can be considered a step taken in this direction.

Money Control Report on It

A 2021 survey in the 'Money Control' report quoted that 37 percent of remote workers in the US (people who work from locations other than the main office) admitted that they were doing two full-time jobs. People didn't grab more jobs just to make money. The biggest reason behind this (50 percent of people) was that they want to increase their share of investment. Then there is the second big issue (47 percent) that they want to repay their debt. Point 3 (44%) - They want to gain more knowledge and experience. Fourth (41 percent) - People who have passion, and want to make it their career, while the fifth reason (36 percent people) is also to get rid of boredom and free time.

Recently, the food delivery app Swiggy announced the Moonlight Policy, in which people working full-time were also allowed to work. However, the company had said that moonlighting should be done after office hours. Our productivity should not be affected. Also, the job should not match or clash with Swiggy's business under any circumstances. Internal approval is also required for this. By the way, if we look at this issue on a large scale, companies like Google and Microsoft approve moonlighting, but they do it after approval.

Why do companies not consider moonlighting to be right?

- Conflict of interest

- Impact on primary job

- Impact on work and productivity - Misuse of company resources

- Taking more vacations etc.

What are the disadvantages of this concept?

- have to work for a long time. It can go from 16 to 18 hours.

Workload and stress are high.

People have trouble getting sleep.

Social life is also affected. 

In the long run, it is risky and injurious to health.

What to do before moonlighting?

Be sure to check your employment contract.

Talk to the manager too.

- If the green signal is received from everywhere, then you must keep tracking your health in the midst of excessive work. 

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