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How To Block Spam Click Google Adsense in Blogger

Today I am going to tell in this article how to stop spam clicks on the ads of your Adsense account.
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Today I am going to tell in this article how to stop spam clicks on the ads of your Adsense account. Nowadays there are many online spams, there are many types of spams, one of them spam also happens with your google adsense account.

This spam happens frequently with many bloggers and authors, what happens in this spam is that any person repeatedly multiple clicks on the Google Ads shown on your websites to stop or suspend your Google Adsense.

How To Block Spam Click Google Adsense in Blogger

Due to which Google feels that you are deliberately getting clicks on your own ads from another mobile to make money from Google and Google considers it as spams and puts it in spam and suspends or disables your Google Adsense account.

Google suspends any Adsense account directly for 1 month, due to which you are not able to earn at all from that website for 1 month. Adsense's disabled account is available only occasionally.

That is why after you have installed your Google Ads on your website, read the article below to prevent spams with Google Ads.

How to Block Click-blocking, Spam Click Google Adsense in Blogger

Click blocking on Google Ads in blog website, I am going to give you 2 codes to stop spam click, with the help of which we can stop spam with adsense ads.

First of all login to your blogger and go to the theme and take a backup of the theme first.

For this, go to your blogger code again and search the </body> code by pressing cntrl+F, copy and paste the code below completely just above the </body> and save the theme.

	var disableAds = "disabled"; //Replace with hidden to hide all ads, disabled to disable click
	var maxClick = 3; //The maximum number of clicks when exceeded will hide or block ad clicks
	var adsCookieEx = 1; //Time the user is clicked back
	function setCookie(a, b, c) {
	    if (c) {
	        var d = new Date();
	        d.setTime(d.getTime() + adsCookieEx * 3600 * 1000);
	        var e = ";expires=" + d.toGMTString()
	    } else {
	        var e = ""
	    document.cookie = a + "=" + b + e + ";path=/"
	function getCookie(a) {
	    var b, c, d, e = document.cookie.split(";");
	    for (b = 0; b < e.length; b++)
	        if (c = e[b].substr(0, e[b].indexOf("=")), d = e[b].substr(e[b].indexOf("=") + 1), c = c.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""), c == a) return unescape(d)
	function setCookieAds(a, b) {
	    var c = getCookie(a);
	    void 0 != c && "" != c ? (ASTheCookieInt = parseInt(c) + 1, setCookie(a, ASTheCookieInt.toString(), 0)) : setCookie(a, "1", b)
	function maxClick(a, b) {
	    var c = getCookie(a);
	    return void 0 != c && parseInt(c) >= b ? !0 : !1
	jQuery(document).ready(function (a) {
	    var b = "adsbygoogle",
	        c = 7,
	        d = maxClick,
	        e = ".adsbygoogle",
	        f = !1;
	    maxClick(b, d) && a(e).addClass(disableAds).click(false), a(e).bind("mouseover", function () {
	        f = !0
	    }).bind("mouseout", function () {
	        f = !1
	    }), a(window).on("beforeunload", function () {
	        f && (ASmaxClick(b, d) ? a(e).addClass(disableAds).click(false) : setCookieAds(b, c))

Today I told you that How to Block Click-blocking, Spam Click Google Adsense in Blogger If you want to ask us something, then you must ask us by commenting.

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